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Yellow Watermelon

10+ seeds per packet

Rs.100/- per packet


Although the name watermelon is synonymous with red-flesh, the original ancestors of watermelons, still found in africa today, actually had yellow-white flesh. This heirloom yellow watermelon is a variety that resembles its ancestors more closely, with its lemon yellow flesh! A perfect summer and winter crop, this variety is vigorous, resistant to pests and disease and very productive. The medium sized fruits are packed full of sweet flavor and are rich and aromatic.


History: Watermelon is an ancient fruit, which has been consumed by humans for over 5000 years. Watermelon originated in southern africa, and its wild form is extremely drought tolerant. Although it's grown primarily for its sweet flesh today, originally it was the seeds, succulent rind (that we mostly discard today) and ability to hold water that made it valuable.

Yellow Watermelon

Out of Stock
  • -Planting Season: Summer, Winter 

    -Sowing Depth: ¼-½ inch below soil

    -Germination: 2-14 days

    -Days to maturity- 80-90 

    -Temp Range- 24 -40 Celcius

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