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Subabul Tree (Leucaena leucocephela)

100+ Seeds per packet

Rs.100/- per packet


Subabul, or Leucaena is a fast growing, leguminous tropical tree species. It has various potential applications on farm systems, including as living fences, fodder crops, green manure crops, shade crops, wind breaks, bee magnets, habitat for birds, timber crop, and a source of biomass for making hugelculture beds, or even biochar! They fix nitrogen and are essentially pest resistant, with the remarkable ability to grow in even the poorest soils. They are able to kickstart the natural process of ecosystem restoration and succession in baren areas and capture a lot of carbon very quickly. Although regarded as an invasive tree species at times, Leucaena is not very hard to manage in a way that prevents negative effects. Keep the plant cut regularly to prevent the widespread formation and dispersal of seeds, they respond very well to pruning and produce new vegetative growth quickly. The leaves are loved by livestock, and although can not meet 100% og the nutritional needs of livestock on their own they are a good supplemental source of protein and nutrients to use in addition to traditional fodder crops.

Subabul Tree (Leucaena)

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