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Paatra/ Alu vadi plant (Xanthosoma violaceum)

2 corms per packet

Rs.150/- per packet

Paatra leaves (often misnamed as colocassia leaves) are the leaves of the X. Violaceum species. Although considered inedible raw, due to the high quantity of calcium oxalate crystals that irritate the digestive tract when consumed; our ancestors the Indian subcontinent discovered that they lose this property if cooked with souring agents like tamarind paste! Today it's most commonly consumed after being rolled with a paste of chickpea flour, spices and tamarind paste and steamed/ fried. It is an absolute delicious meal, called by many names in different states! The plants are very easy to grow and multiply quickly. They are great to grow in both full sun and as an understory crop. Similarly they survive both drought and flooding and are often found growing on riverbanks in the wild!

Paatra/ Au vadi plant (X. violaceum)

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