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Longevity spinach

Rs.200/- per plant


Longevity spinach is a succulent, tropical leafy green plant from south east asia. Just like the English name, the Malaysian name (prolonger of life) and Chinese name (curer of 100 diseases) both reflect how valued this leafy green is in traditional medicine and cuisines. The plant has a very mild flavor and can be eaten raw or cooked, just like spinach. Its texture is slightly mucilaginous when cooked, just like okra, which is extremely beneficial for the functioning of the digestive system. The plants are perennial and extremely heat tolerant and grow into small bushes. The growing shoots should be regularly harvested to promote new flushes of growth. 


Note: Because this is a live plant, it is prone to some amount of stress in transit. Most tier 1 and 2 cities have much quicker delivery and live plants do  very well in those cases, more remote locations may have delayed delivery, which can cause some stress to the plant. We try our best to pack the plants in a way that helps them stay fresh for a week or more in transit, but if you are concerned about delivery speed, please order only one plant to try, before ordering more!


(Bulk quantities can be prepared at discounted rates on request! Please reach out to us on Instagram or whatsapp to discuss your requirements!)

Longevity spinach (Live plant)

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