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Komatsuna (Japanese Mustard Spinach)

Brassica Rapa

70+ seeds per packet

Rs.100/- per packet


Komatsuna, or Japanese Mustard spinach is an ancient heirloom variety of mustard belonging to japan. Although not a true spinach, the tender and succulent leaves are used as a direct substitute for spinach and other leafy greens. Unlike its close relative, the common mustard (sarson), komatsuna is far less pungent, but only has a very mild mustard flavor that further reduces upon heating. Instead the leaf can be better described as being sweet, umami and succulent in flavor. Komatsuna is prized as a crop for its fast growth, amazing flavor and tolerance for both extreme heat and cold. Plants can give multiple harvests over the span of many months.


History: Komatsuna is an heirloom variety of mustard greens that has been cultivated in japan since the 18th century. It originates in the Japanese village of Komatsugawa, and gets its name from the village (Koatsuna means ‘the leafy green of komatsu’.) Aside from its use for human consumption, komatsuna was frequently used as a fodder crop due to its nutritional value, productivity and ability to tolerate both heat and cold.

Komatsuna (Japanese Mustard Spinach)

₹100.00 Regular Price
₹70.00Sale Price
  • -Planting Season: Summer, Winter, Monsoon

    -Sowing Depth: ¼-½ inch below soil

    -Germination: 2-10 days

    -Days to maturity- 30 days for first harvest

    -Temp Range- 16 -40 Celcius

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