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Garden peach Tomato

Solanum lycopersicum

15+ seeds per packet

Rs.100/- per packet


Garden Peach Tomato is a remarkable tomato with the color and texture of a peach. The yellow, peach sized fruits are blushed with pink and covered in tiny soft hairs, just like a peach! The tomato has an amazing flavor, with one of the richest umami and a classic heirloom flavor. The plants are productive and bear many clusters of 3-4 fruits each.

History: Garden Peach Tomato was bred in the year 1890 by an American plant breeder named Elbert S. Carman and was first introduced to gardeners and farmers by the Hallock and Sons seed company that year. Over a century old, this variety is no less remarkable today and is still amongst the top tomatoes in terms of taste and uniqueness.

Garden Peach Tomato

  • -Planting Season: Summer, Winter

    -Sowing Depth: ¼-½ inch below soil

    -Germination: 2-10 days

    -Days to maturity- 90 days

    -Temp Range- 24 -40 Celcius

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