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Egyptian Spinach (Molokhia)

Corchorus olitorius

100+ seeds per packet 

(Bulk size- 1g seeds (~500 per packet))

Rs.100/- per packet


Egyptian Spinach, or Molokhia, is a close relative of the more common Okra. As the name suggests, the leaves of this plant are consumed in the same way as spinach. Much like its relatives however, the young pods of this plant are also edible. A perennial plant that can grow into a large shrub/ small tree (up to 6 feet tall), egyptian spinach is a wonderful addition to a farm or garden for an all-year-long supply of nutritious greens. Its properties and uses also make it a must have in tropical and semi-tropical permaculture systems!


History: As the name suggests, egyptian spinach traces its origin to Egypt and other parts of North Africa. It’s history goes back to 6000BC, to the time of the pharaohs, when it was supposedly prescribed for the treatment of all sorts diseases.  In fact it is still extremely popular in the region and even bears the title of the “national dish” of Egypt.

Egyptian Spinach

₹100.00 Regular Price
₹80.00Sale Price
  • -Planting Season: Summer, Monsoon, Winter

    -Sowing Depth: Surface sow and mildly cover (~0.25 inches)

    -Germination: 3-14 days

    -Days to maturity- 1 month to first harvest

    -Temp Range- 24 -45 Celcius

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