Black amber sorghum
200+ Seeds per packet
Rs.100/- per packet
An old chinese variety of sorghum, grown not primarily for its grain (which are hulled like millets/ rice). Instead its grown for its delicious stalks, which are chewed for their lovely sweet flavor. They are softer and less fibrous then sugarcane, but alos have a more subtle flavor People also extract the juice (like sugarcane) to make molasses and jaggery.
In the past, before sugarcane and sugar beets took over the sugar industry, sorghum varieties were used to make jaggery in many parts of the world.
The best part of this variety is its incredible drought tolerance. We planted ours in november, a week or so after the last rain, and rotor tilled it directly into the ground. We did not water it even once after planting, neither did it rain. But they sprouted using the residual moisture in the soil, and its deep and powerful roots dug deep into the soil and chased the falling water levels. Despite the crackling summer heat the plants are still green and are growing new stalks. Our farm staff believe the plants are geenrating their own water through chemical reactions, and they might not be wrong. Because how these plants are still thriving despite never being irrigated in their live confuses me.
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