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Air Potato

2-3 tubers for planting

Rs.150/- per packet


(Store in a cool and shaded place indoors till you can see sprouts emerge before planting)


Air potatoes (Dioscorea bulbifera) are one of the most exceptional native tuber crops we are blessed to have inherited from our ancestors. Belonging to the same family as other native yams (white yam, purple yam), this variety not only produces a large tuber underground, but several tubers (of varying sizes) at the leaf nodes on its vine. In our experience it does best when planted beside or under a tree (vs on its own with support provided), yield was also 10 times greater in the plants planted alongside our mango trees vs the ones we planted on their own. Probably has something to do with the biodiverse and fertile soil found under established trees. Each air potato produced on the plant will naturally fall if not harvested, and during the growing season will sprout and form new plants. They are easy to cook, delicious and are considered highly medicinal by indeginous cultures.

Air Potato

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