About Us
How it started
'Au Naturale' (French): Being in a natural state.
Today's consumer wants fresh, delicious and chemical free food. They want food that uplifts them, that nourishes them, that heals them. The industrial farms of today, built to churn out quantity and not quality, are not equipped to meet this demand
Thus O' naturale was born as a joint initiative between traditional farmers and concerned consumers who want to create and share natures bounty in its purest form, 'Au Naturale'...

Nature Knows Best!
Ever wondered how forests grow such giant, productive trees without any fertilizers, while farms can use tons of inputs and still struggle to produce crops. Who fertilizes, irrigates and controls pests in the wild?
The answer is nature!
When left to it's own devices nature is the greatest farmer on this planet, producing results no farmer could dream to replicate. Sadly, when we humans decide to take the reigns, trying to "control" nature, things can get messy. Our actions hurt the perfectly balanced ecological systems, that naturally work together to create abundance. In return, we are made dependant on toxic chemicals to create less healthy food, while also being less productive and unsustainable.
At At O'naturale, we decided to take a step back and observe what nature would do when handed back the reigns. Instead of overpowering nature, we try to do our bit to contribute to the natural processes instead of disturbing them. Returning fertile organic matter and life to the soil. Using traditional, probiotic soil inputs like jeevamrutam, cow dung and Green manure to nurture our soil back to good health. Practices like these can and do create abundant harvests for farmers, while reducing the amount of time and money they need to invest. This creates happier plants, that in return give us more nutritious food. Foods that are filled with crucial antioxidants, vitamins, and trace minerals that can help solve a lot of today's chronic health issues